Madi Ouedraogo

born in 1976 in Burkina Faso
lives and works in Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou

Madi Ouedraogo is a self-taught visual artist. He develops sculptural tapestries in which pieces of soda cans act as "pixels", sometimes separated by areas made of pieces of "flip-flop" soles or braided plastic bags that add color and relief.

Fascinated by matter, he follows his path of material research by exploring, transforming and breathing new life into neglected objects by mixing them with color to create unexpected shapes and results.

Careful work, the overall movement of which can be discovered from a certain distance, sometimes figurative or even narrative, sometimes abstract closer, the "pixelization" forces itself upon the eye.

Career - Exhibitions

  • Exhibitions Ségou'art, Mali - Collective Work February 2021
  • Participation in the BISO (Biennale International de la Sculpture de Ouagadougou) in OFF Ouagadougou 2019
  • Group exhibition trait d'union with artists from the Ivory Coast at the Maison du Peuple 2019
  • Group exhibition at the Residence of the Embassy of the United States Ouagadougou 2019
  • Group exhibition at the National Museum of Ouagadougou 2018
  • Special prize at the SNC (Semaine Nationale de la Culture) Bobodioulasso 2018
  • Solo exhibition at the SOGOSSIRA-SANOU Museum in collaboration with the Institut Français de Bobo Dioulasso 2018.
  • Participation in the GNANAMAGNA festival at the Institut Français de BoboDioulasso 2017
  • OFF-Participation in the BIENALE DE DAKAR with the association Y'ART TEKRE 2016
  • Participation in the project "comment réinventer la ville" with the Institut Français in collaboration with the GOETHE INSTITUT in Ouagadougou 2014.
  • 2nd prize in the creativity competition at SIAO 2012

Works in Frankfurt/Main (selection)

  • Immigration (2018)

    made of various recycled elements (cans, flip-flops, string...) nailed to a board. Size: 53 x 126 cm